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Your Quarterly Newsletter!

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Hey, TechaBee Hive!

If we haven't met yet, I'm Emily—your Techabee CEO, mom of three, former educator myself, and an absolute lover of Tillamook cheese. Just like you, I understand the unique challenges and joys that come with the world of edtech both as a professional and a parent.

As your partners in tech, our aim is to keep you informed as technology keeps evolving. That's why we're excited to introduce our new quarterly newsletter, a blend of tech updates and a sprinkle of fun, insights, and the latest in tech-savviness.

In This Issue:
  • Tech Planning Sneak Peek for 2023-2024
  • Level Up with eSports: Join Our Webinar!
  • Winter Promotions to Warm Your Tech Heart
  • Share Your Thoughts: Quick Survey

Thanks for being part of our TechaBee hive!


Emily Jenkins, COO

The TechaBee Referral Reward

Refer TechaBee to a school you know, and we'll reward you with a $1000 credit when they sign up. Extra bonus - they get a $1000 credit too! All you have to do is share their name and contact, and we'll take it from there. Help your fellow schools get the support they deserve and you both reap the rewards.


Elevate Your Tech Program with TechaBee Enterprise

Is your tech program growing and you need more support? Consider upgrading to our Enterprise Package, where we'll visit your school weekly or even twice a week. Sign up now, and you won't pay the upgraded price until February 2024. It's a win-win for your expanding tech needs.

Don't miss out on these opportunities to enhance your tech journey!

Coming Soon: Your Tech Planning Journey

In December, your dedicated TechaBee account manager will be reaching out to schedule your initial tech planning meeting. This is your opportunity to align your tech strategy with your educational goals. Here's what you can expect:


Tech Planning Includes

Review Your Tech Inventory

We'll take a close look at your existing tech tools and equipment to ensure they're meeting your needs.

Discuss Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest tech advancements and how they can benefit your institution.

Tech Budget

Let's talk numbers! We'll work together to optimize your tech budget for maximum impact.

Big Projects

Got a tech project in mind? We're here to discuss and plan it out.

After our initial meeting in December or January, our team will roll up their sleeves and get to work on putting the plan and options together. We'll leave no byte unturned to ensure your tech plan is tailored to perfection.

In February, we'll schedule a follow-up meeting to finalize the plan. We'll hand you a completed tech plan both in person and in digital format. This comprehensive plan isn't just an internal guide; it's a valuable tool for sharing updates with your community, potential donors, accreditation teams, and more.

eSports: Level Up Your School's Game

Exciting news, TechaBee partners! eSports is changing the education game. It's about teamwork, strategy, and skill development.
Curious about setting up eSports in your school? Join our webinar - hosted by our awesome team to explore eSports in education.

Webinar: "Unlocking the Potential of eSports in Education"

It's all about fun, insights, and empowering your tech journey. See you there!


Your feedback makes our hive thrive! Help us improve by taking our quick survey.

Plus include your name and win one of 3 $20 Starbucks gift cards - just our little thank you for sharing your thoughts!


Coming soon!
